Thursday, August 6, 2009

feelin' smart 'n sad

for all one of you that wanted to be able to enlarge my little collages, i just figured out how to do it...and i'm feelin' pretty awesome.

what's not feelin' awesome is that I had a little Half-Birthday party planned for Abby tomorrow morning--the party that was cancelled back in January because of pink-eye, fevers, coughs, etc--and i just had to postpone it AGAIN! She woke up from her nap with a fever of 101. She's going to be devastated. I haven't told her yet.

She's been healthy since May 15th. We're getting to the bottom of the whole thing with her. I've got a few more Dr. appts/blood tests to be done before we have all the pieces, but basically we've found out so far that she had NO allergies (is she my child?) but she does have an antibody deficiency. Sucks for her. Good to know. Docs say there's nothing that can be done--she'll just always be prone to infection/illness. But, i don't really like that answer, so i have, by no means, given up on this.

Anyway, i've got to go coddle my girl, and make her some Kale and White Bean Soup.


Emili said...

Umm, is it me, or did a million posts all just show up on your blog? I feel so behind. Can you show me how to make those collages please? And can you send you're friend out here to cut my hair please. You're amazing, I wish you'd come vacation in St George on of these days...

PS, did you get any new lenses or quiptment?

merathon said...

awwww, just for ME, em? and now you're making me hungry for some soup. hope abby feels well soon!

The Ultimate Mama said...

I'm so sorry! That's such a bummer. I love you Abbs!

Rachel said...

awww man I totally emphasize. I'm sure Connor will spend his whole life being sick. middle child syndrome? hmmm...

Adrie Peterson said...

Now you know! I know, it sucks to have that kind of diagnosis...poor Abby :( Yet, doesn't it help to finally have an answer? I just know for me that when I finally get all the information, then I can "deal" with whatever the outcome is. I think the "not knowing" is what is the hardest. However, I'm fascinated with this kind of diagnosis, and your determination to not let it be the "end". Keep us posted with what you find out. I wish you luck in keeping her from catching every illness under the sun!