They had such a great time. Grace's one and only cousin her age was there, too. And in spite of the fact that they fought lots, they had a great time together. They went to Jenny Lake, near Jackson. They went to the County Fair. They got multiple ice cream cones (which was the first thing Grace wanted to tell me when she got home Monday morning!). And Reid got some time with his little girl--something that they both needed. Grandma and Grandpa spoiled her rotten--and she loved every minute of it! thank you!!
I started to doubt my decision to stay on Wed night, as Reid and Grace were packing their bags. But can I just say that it turned out to be one of the greatest, most relaxing weekends of my life as a mom!!! Abby got the stomach flu on Thursday (thus the fever), which meant postponing the one "special" Abby event of the weekend--her half-birthday party. That party was the one thing that was making it okay that Gracie wasn't around. I was sure that not having it was going to ruin the whole weekend for Abby. But not so! She understood that she had "the pukies" and so her party would have to wait a few days. And we had a surprisingly great time! I felt like a new woman! honestly! How can 2 kids feel soooooo easy? How come cleaning up puke all over the place/car/seat/clothes, etc did not stress me out AT ALL!??! How did two kids almost feel like none?? Especially considering that I had my two kids that are still in diapers?!?! I don't know why, but i felt like I was the one on vacation! weird, no? Either way, I loved it!!!
Abby slept in until NOON on friday, Eliza slept until 9, and went back down at 10 for a nap--so I decided, right there in the middle of my usually really busy morning, to read Eat to Live (which, if you've read, i'd love to get your feedback on!). It was AWESOME! Abby got feeling better by Friday afternoon, and for the rest of the weekend we had so much fun! We went to parks, Chuck-e-Cheese, the library, ran errands(!), went to church, went to a church party, and just had the most peaceful, non-contentious weekend of the past 2 years! I didn't raise my voice once! not once! (and for all you moms with 2+ year olds, who consistently go many days in a row without losing your patience, i admire you immeasurably!) I felt so refreshed, so relaxed--it was awesome. And Reid got a vacation, too. He got to golf with his brother (his absolute favorite pastime) and spend time with his family.
Abby and Grace really needed a break from each other. They're best friends, it's true. But they're also worst enemies. They fight so much, and so often. And it drives me nuts! I think that the break from their fighting was what I enjoyed the most. The whole weekend was my idea of a perfect stay-cation.
I'm glad your weekend was good Emily, and thanks for being willing to part from Reid and Grace, we had a blast with them :)
and when A & G were reunited, were they so happy to see each other? that makes it even more worth it!
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