A few years ago i made a terrible decision. I decided that rather than buying or sewing cute Christmas stockings that i would cross-stitch them. This was a really, really bad idea. I had NO idea how long it would take to make each stocking!! I finished mine, Reid's and one other one (which is now Grace's) when we were in Chile for Reid's internship. Which was fine, cause i had PLENTY of time those 8 weeks. But then i had more children...which meant less time (the word "less" doesn't quite seem to cut it here...). And of course, they need matching stockings! Abby's was finished in time for her 1st Christmas. Eliza's was not. I started it about a month before she was born and it is STILL not finished. I've been working on it tons lately. I worked on it thru season one of The Mentalist (which i LOVE !), season 5 of Monk, Seventeen Again, eight episodes of The Daily Show, 4 weeks of SNL, five Mediums, four documentaries....you get the point, right? Lucky for me, Reid's usually right next to me working on whatever he's got while i'm stitchin' away...and we're just watchin' our shows...enjoying the quiet evening...maybe it actually was a good idea..
I'm supposed to be saving seats for some friends tonight at New Moon...and I'm seriously considering taking my cross-stitch to work on while I wait--would that be awesome or what?? As if it's not already embarrassing enough that I'm 31 years old and going to watch a 17-year-0ld boy take off his shirt countless times (or so i've heard...) i'm actually thinking about cross-stitching while i'm waiting!!!
And seriously, the other option is to take a crossword to work on...
Man, i feel old.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Monday, November 16, 2009
Christmas Tamales
For all you Denver locals, a friend of mine, Erika Melendez, is going to be selling her amazing homemade Tamales this year!! The sale will take place on Dec 5th, from 9-2. But Erika will be accepting orders up thru Nov 30th. Leave a comment or email me if you'd like to order some!
The price is $2/tamale or $17.50/dozen. About 2-3 tamales make a meal for an adult.
The three different types she will be making, which are native to Northern Mexico (for all you tamale connoisseurs) are Pork and Red Chili sauce, Jalapeno and Cheese, and (sweet) Pecan and Raisins.
Feliz Navidad!!!
The price is $2/tamale or $17.50/dozen. About 2-3 tamales make a meal for an adult.
The three different types she will be making, which are native to Northern Mexico (for all you tamale connoisseurs) are Pork and Red Chili sauce, Jalapeno and Cheese, and (sweet) Pecan and Raisins.
Feliz Navidad!!!
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Some things never change
On thursday night I was at a friend's house with some other girl friends. We'd all brought old photos/home videos/old journals. I've never laughed so hard in my entire life.
i didn't have any photos to bring, so i brought my 7th Grade journal. The first entry was in Feb 1989. It read something about my friends, playing in the snow, and how I had a goal to write in the journal every day for a month to receive an achievement award at church.
The next entry was Nov of 1990. (And there was no mention of snow, or playing, or anything innocent and sweet. It was completely drenching in 7th grade drama, crushes, girl-fights, hurt-feelings, more crushes, more drama--someday i really should type it up and post a few entries here)
And although many things about me have changed (e.g. I no longer dedicate songs on the radio weekly), it appears that my ability to KEEP GOALS regarding journal-writing has not.
Truth be told, there hasn't been anything compelling enough for me to write about it. And that's probably what happened in Feb or 1989.
But a goal is still a goal. And excuses are still excuses. And i'm still really bad at the one and really good at the other.
i didn't have any photos to bring, so i brought my 7th Grade journal. The first entry was in Feb 1989. It read something about my friends, playing in the snow, and how I had a goal to write in the journal every day for a month to receive an achievement award at church.
The next entry was Nov of 1990. (And there was no mention of snow, or playing, or anything innocent and sweet. It was completely drenching in 7th grade drama, crushes, girl-fights, hurt-feelings, more crushes, more drama--someday i really should type it up and post a few entries here)
And although many things about me have changed (e.g. I no longer dedicate songs on the radio weekly), it appears that my ability to KEEP GOALS regarding journal-writing has not.
Truth be told, there hasn't been anything compelling enough for me to write about it. And that's probably what happened in Feb or 1989.
But a goal is still a goal. And excuses are still excuses. And i'm still really bad at the one and really good at the other.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Butterfly Pavilion
Do you know what happens when you take a cold, cold camera into a hot and humid pavilion? a little thing called condensation. And i couldn't get rid of it. So, all the amazing photos i could have taken of the butterflies landing on Abby (grace liked to look but didn't want to touch)--didn't happen. So, just squint and look at this one.
A few weeks ago we met up with some friends from Boston. It was so fun to see them, and the kids had such a great time looking at all the bugs and other creatures.
Abby, Grace and my friend, Meredith gave it a try....I wimped out.
Giant Spider Web for the....
Grace was enthralled by this tarantula, but wanted nothing to do with touching it. Abby, on the other hand wanted the "I held Rosie" sticker bad enough that I don't think she really even thought twice about what she had to do to get it. Check that thing out!!
And again, Grace wanted nothing to do with the gi-normous praying mantis out front, so we just got Abby and Eliza in this pic.
Believe it or not, Grace had a great time...she's just not very "hands on" with things like this :) She has since decided that it wasn't really that scary, and that when she's five she'll stand next to it :)
Thanks, again, for the invite, Meredith!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
something i never want to forget
Monday, November 9, 2009
Call me what you want
I've spent the last 3+ years not knowing what to call myself. I've used the V word several times, just because I think I'm pretty close. But i'm not a true vegetarian. Namely because I eat meat. Granted, it's not very often 3-4 times a month, max. But still, I am sure that true vegetarians would be disgusted to hear me use that term when I was seen sinking my teeth into a big juicy burger just a few weeks ago.
But the other day all my etymological woes disappeared when I stumbled upon this word: Flexitarian
Here are some excerpts from a few different websites defining the term
-- “Flexitarians” — a term voted most useful word of 2003 by the American Dialect Society — are motivated less by animal rights than by a growing body of medical data that suggests health benefits from eating more vegetarian foods.
--Flexitarians adhere mostly to the vegetarian diet as a healthy lifestyle rather than following an ideology. They feel an occasional meal that includes fish, fowl or meat is acceptable.
--Flexitarians: Include the groups below:
•Vegetarian: Those who say they are vegetarian, or "almost vegetarian," but use some meat, poultry or fish.
•Vegetarian inclined: Replace meat with meat alternatives for at least some meals, usually maintain a vegetarian diet, or eat four or more meatless meals per week.
•Health-conscious: Strive for a balanced eating plan or eat two to three meatless meals per week.
--Flexitarianism might be the answer for you. A flexitarian — or flexible vegetarian — is someone who eats mostly plant-based foods but occasionally eats meat, poultry and fish. Want to give it a try? It could be the jump start you need to begin eating healthier.
--It's for people who want to be vegetarians most of the time but "don't want to sit at a barbecue in their neighborhood with an empty bun," It is not just about eating less meat. The most important part is eating more healthful vegetarian foods, such as beans, nuts, whole grains and produce.
So, there you have it. That's what you can call me (along with a large list of other things).
Truth be told, most people I know (Kristin, you are not included in this group) would probably see themselves as some sort of flexitarian. More and more people are realizing that 3-5 servings a day of fruits and veggies isn't really enough. And one of the best ways to get more of those in your diet is to base meals around the veggies, and cut down (or hold off) on the meat.
When people find out how many veggies/fruit we eat in a day, and that we rarely have meals with meat, they ask WHAT DO WE EAT?!?!?! Well, since none of you asked, lemme just tell you. Some of my favorite recipes are from vegetarianation.blogspot.com - a blog that my friend, meredith set up-- that I and other veggie-lovers contribute to. So, if you want to become more FLEXible, but don't know where to start, i'd suggest trying the Oven Chimichangas (you gotta use quinoa in these--delish!), the Roasted Veggie Quesadillas or this delicious Fiesta Pasta Salad. And for those of you with that famous my-husband-won't-eat-meals-without-meat excuse, I can almost guarantee that he'd be happy with any of those three meals :) For all you know you're married to a closet-flexitarian...and he's just waiting for you to open that door...
But the other day all my etymological woes disappeared when I stumbled upon this word: Flexitarian
Here are some excerpts from a few different websites defining the term
-- “Flexitarians” — a term voted most useful word of 2003 by the American Dialect Society — are motivated less by animal rights than by a growing body of medical data that suggests health benefits from eating more vegetarian foods.
--Flexitarians adhere mostly to the vegetarian diet as a healthy lifestyle rather than following an ideology. They feel an occasional meal that includes fish, fowl or meat is acceptable.
--Flexitarians: Include the groups below:
•Vegetarian: Those who say they are vegetarian, or "almost vegetarian," but use some meat, poultry or fish.
•Vegetarian inclined: Replace meat with meat alternatives for at least some meals, usually maintain a vegetarian diet, or eat four or more meatless meals per week.
•Health-conscious: Strive for a balanced eating plan or eat two to three meatless meals per week.
--Flexitarianism might be the answer for you. A flexitarian — or flexible vegetarian — is someone who eats mostly plant-based foods but occasionally eats meat, poultry and fish. Want to give it a try? It could be the jump start you need to begin eating healthier.
--It's for people who want to be vegetarians most of the time but "don't want to sit at a barbecue in their neighborhood with an empty bun," It is not just about eating less meat. The most important part is eating more healthful vegetarian foods, such as beans, nuts, whole grains and produce.
So, there you have it. That's what you can call me (along with a large list of other things).
Truth be told, most people I know (Kristin, you are not included in this group) would probably see themselves as some sort of flexitarian. More and more people are realizing that 3-5 servings a day of fruits and veggies isn't really enough. And one of the best ways to get more of those in your diet is to base meals around the veggies, and cut down (or hold off) on the meat.
When people find out how many veggies/fruit we eat in a day, and that we rarely have meals with meat, they ask WHAT DO WE EAT?!?!?! Well, since none of you asked, lemme just tell you. Some of my favorite recipes are from vegetarianation.blogspot.com - a blog that my friend, meredith set up-- that I and other veggie-lovers contribute to. So, if you want to become more FLEXible, but don't know where to start, i'd suggest trying the Oven Chimichangas (you gotta use quinoa in these--delish!), the Roasted Veggie Quesadillas or this delicious Fiesta Pasta Salad. And for those of you with that famous my-husband-won't-eat-meals-without-meat excuse, I can almost guarantee that he'd be happy with any of those three meals :) For all you know you're married to a closet-flexitarian...and he's just waiting for you to open that door...
Sunday, November 8, 2009
I love this girl
I, along with almost everyone else who knows her, have been noticing that over the past 2 or 3 months Grace is really growing up and changing. She's overcoming her debilitating shyness. She's cooperating when she's asked to do things. She's "pushing buttons" less and less. She's "asking" for negative attention less and less..and I'm enjoying being her mom more than ever.
Five months ago when the 4-11 year olds from church stood up front during church and sang a Mother's day song, Grace completely freaked out and wouldn't even consider doing it.
Today, during the children's Primary Program, Grace stood in front of our entire congregation (along with all the other kids) and sang all the songs, and even spoke her one little line into the microphone. We'd been rehearsing all week, and she was as prepared as possible--but that's never mattered in the past. Months ago she would have followed the lead of the two kids before her who completely froze up and couldn't say their lines. But not today--she spoke clearly and perfectly and said "I can strengthen my family by saying my prayers" right into the microphone. Reid and I literally got teary.
People have been telling me for over 2 years that she'd grow out of this. It's taken me until just recently to really believe it.
Granted, she has her setbacks. For example, when Reid's parents were here she was quick to tears, and acted out quite a bit. As with all kids, certain kinds of attention (e.g. adoring grandparents and aunt) unfortunately bring out the worst in her. But even that is something that she's overcoming.
She has the kindest heart you'll ever see in a 4-year-old. She loves her sisters so much. She has recently fallen in love with knock-knock jokes. And she wants to know how to spell everything (and what everything spells). She's still so good at entertaining herself, and her sisters. She loves to play pretend. She's constantly hungry (I am not exaggerating--it's constant!!) And she loves, loves, loves clothes--she goes through 3-7 outfits/day.
She's a great oldest-child. She's very aware of the influence her example has on her sisters (mostly Abby), she's very responsible and is really good at listening to her conscience. Once she really understands why something is right or wrong, she's very good at choosing what is right.
I'm so glad she's in our family. I love her a million times more than the day she was born. And that was something I didn't think was possible.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Halloween 2009
Grace was Wonder Woman --she loved her costume, had a great time carving pumpkins, enjoyed ripping off the chain links of our "halloween chain" and said the words "trick-or-treat" at all seven houses we went to.
Abby was Tinkerbell--she loved telling everyone what she and Grace were for Halloween, and every single time she'd say it they'd look at me with a big ? on their face. She loved the Monsters vs Aliens tv special, and she kept telling us how beautiful she looked in her costume.
Eliza was a cow--she cried every time we put the hood up, she had her first candy bar...and she loved it.
Abby was Tinkerbell--she loved telling everyone what she and Grace were for Halloween, and every single time she'd say it they'd look at me with a big ? on their face. She loved the Monsters vs Aliens tv special, and she kept telling us how beautiful she looked in her costume.
Eliza was a cow--she cried every time we put the hood up, she had her first candy bar...and she loved it.
And we handed out whistles, parachute dudes, and play-doh.Happy Halloween!
(you could probably figure out how much i care for this holiday by the amount of blog space I'm giving it)
Friday, November 6, 2009
It's close to midnight....
...and i just got back from This Is It with some of my favorite lady-friends. And i must say that it was amazing. I enjoyed it far more than I'd anticipated. That man was better at a lot of things than I'd given him credit for. Mostly just being a decent human to the people that worked for him. And he is more musically gifted than I could have imagined, if that's possible. Thanks, Lindsay, for the invite! And thanks for not killing us when we sang Happy Birthday to you during the "don't be loud and obnoxious at the movies" commercial.
My house is so quiet right now. Everyone's asleep. This is usually the time of night when I have myself a little inner debate--do I stay up and work on any one of the millions of projects I have hopes of finishing before Christmas? or do I do my 31-year-old body a favor and get some sleep? I've got too many rhythms and beats running through my head and veins to sleep right now...what i really want to do is be back in college and head to the awesome Club Omni and get some Billy Jean dance moves on.
Why don't they have a dance club for 30-something year old moms who may have a few pounds to shed, maybe didn't get a chance to shower today, have most likely lost their minds--but not their rhythm-- and still know how to shake their post-childbirth hips?
If I built it would you come?
You don't have to answer that.
but seriously....would you?
My house is so quiet right now. Everyone's asleep. This is usually the time of night when I have myself a little inner debate--do I stay up and work on any one of the millions of projects I have hopes of finishing before Christmas? or do I do my 31-year-old body a favor and get some sleep? I've got too many rhythms and beats running through my head and veins to sleep right now...what i really want to do is be back in college and head to the awesome Club Omni and get some Billy Jean dance moves on.
Why don't they have a dance club for 30-something year old moms who may have a few pounds to shed, maybe didn't get a chance to shower today, have most likely lost their minds--but not their rhythm-- and still know how to shake their post-childbirth hips?
If I built it would you come?
You don't have to answer that.
but seriously....would you?
Thursday, November 5, 2009
We took the girls to a corn maze about a month ago. They absolutely loved it...for about an hour. Grace LOVED being the leader and choosing at each crossroad which way to go. Abby loved running ahead and hiding with Reid, and then jumping out to scare us.
We made it about 2/3 of the way thru, and then the girls were done. So, rather than admit that we totally had no idea how to get out of there, we used the girls as an excuse and took the emergency exit. We were mocked relentllessly by the dudes at the exit gate. Which we deserved

And, corny as it may sound, the whole night was a-maze-ing
oh, boy, i gotta go to bed...
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Visit from G, G & K
A few weeks ago Reid's mom, dad and sister came for a long-weekend visit. We had such a great time with them. I always look so forward to their visits. Not just because it forces me to clean my house, (which I put off until the LAST minute every single time!)but because they keep my kids completely happy and entertained when they're here, because it's so fun to visit with them, and because they are so much help when they come.
For example...
Grandma and Karen, who are master organizers, helped me get some frames up on my wall, helped clean out my van, watched my kids while i went to the gym, constantly were picking up toys/clothes/clutter, did the dishes, went to Costco with me, organized our kid's craft area, and helped me make this cute little thing to hang all of the girls' bows (of course i still haven't hung it up on the wall yet...)
Grandpa never stopped working the whole time he was here. He spent hours breathing in insulation in our hot attic as he fixed our bathroom fan. He walked to Home Depot with Grace to get parts, multiple times. He fixed our other bathroom fan, our toy chest, our grill handle, and other things I can't even remember right now. The last night they were here, he was all out of projects so he cleaned the whole kitchen. This man is such a hard worker!! And when he's not working he's playing with the girls. 
Eliza LOVED having Grandpa here. She worked that man for food every chance she got. She'd grunt, and he'd feed her. She'd grunt, he'd feed her some more. They both loved it. Her distended belly was the only thing that eventually stopped the feeding frenzies.
Eliza also loved this little "car" that Grandma made out of a box. She was giggling up a storm. And Eliza was laughing, too.

For example...
Grandma and Karen, who are master organizers, helped me get some frames up on my wall, helped clean out my van, watched my kids while i went to the gym, constantly were picking up toys/clothes/clutter, did the dishes, went to Costco with me, organized our kid's craft area, and helped me make this cute little thing to hang all of the girls' bows (of course i still haven't hung it up on the wall yet...)
Eliza LOVED having Grandpa here. She worked that man for food every chance she got. She'd grunt, and he'd feed her. She'd grunt, he'd feed her some more. They both loved it. Her distended belly was the only thing that eventually stopped the feeding frenzies.
Eliza also loved this little "car" that Grandma made out of a box. She was giggling up a storm. And Eliza was laughing, too.
We spent the evenings talking, watching cute movies, and just generally catching up. One evening we decorated this cute little Halloween ginger-bread house. This was the first year that Grace has been interested in this sort of thing, and it was really, really fun! And although we adults were deterred from eating the candy by the fact that i'd purchased this about a year ago on clearance--Grace and Abby didn't let that stop them.
It turned out pretty cute, and i was even a little bit sad to toss it this morning...i dare say this is the first Halloween anything that i've gotten sentimental over! Grandma is a pro-gingerbread house maker--i don't think that thing would've stayed together without her skills--thank, Grandma!
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
The Talk
Yesterday morning Grace and I had the talk. I knew this was going to happen sooner or later. I had no idea how it would turn out. I had fears of it going one way. But i'm pretty sure it went the other.
Grace: Mom, what's a teach-leader?
Me: What?
Grace: a teach-leader. that's what Lola is for Halloween this year
Me: Oh, you mean a cheerleader. yeah, that's....um....(i'm trying hard not to say any of the many thoughts going thru my mind....) what people are called who help other people cheer at games.
Grace: People need help cheering at games?!?!?
One down. Two to go.
Grace: Mom, what's a teach-leader?
Me: What?
Grace: a teach-leader. that's what Lola is for Halloween this year
Me: Oh, you mean a cheerleader. yeah, that's....um....(i'm trying hard not to say any of the many thoughts going thru my mind....) what people are called who help other people cheer at games.
Grace: People need help cheering at games?!?!?
One down. Two to go.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Family Night
Most every Monday night Reid and i have Family Night. This is something that our parents did with us, and it's a tradition we've looked forward to continuing with our own kids for years.
We have a little wheel that we spin each Monday to see who gets to be in charge of the lesson, the songs we sing, the activity/game and the treat. Usually Reid or I fix it so that we are in charge of the lesson. And usually the lesson has something to do with "reasons not to beat your sibling" or "why being a poor sport is no fun" or "and that is why we don't whine" (see Arrested Development: Season 1, Episode 10. no, really, do see it. best. episode. ever.)
But tonight, Reid helped Grace give the lesson. It was priceless. She asked us questions about how praying as a family can make us a stronger family. She told us that Heavenly Father can help us. She told us that last night she dreamt that there were whales coming to get her and she was scared and she said a prayer but that God didn't help her in her dream. It was cute to see that praying crosses her mind, even in her dreams. (She even seems to understand that not all prayers are answered how we want them to be answered sometimes.)
And then, after some deliciously sweet pineapple, it was time for the activity. Tonight's activity was an impromptu recital (prompted, i'm guessing, by this cute book we just got from the library, "The Song of Middle C") at our little 4-note Fisher Price piano.
This cute video shows a side of Grace that no one ever gets to see besides us. And even we don't get it that often. She's not a performer. She hates that kind of attention (praise, direct compliments, etc.) but every now and again she pulls something like this out. When she's comfortable. And Reid and i couldn't have loved it more. She's the cutest thing ever.
The girls took turns. Abby was next. Performing like this is second nature to Abby. Or even first nature--if there's such a thing. She loves to sing, she loves applause. And she, too, was absolutely adorable. At the end you'll see that Eliza even took a turn.
It was such a fun night. One of those nights you never, ever want to forget. And, thanks to NaBloPoMo, I'm actually taking the time to write about it.
Note: at about 1:38 Grace, without breaking from her beautiful composition, gives acknowledgdment to Eliza for taking a few steps. love it.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
So, not until about 10 minutes ago did i know that there was such a thing as National Blog Posting Month. But, thanks to the lovely marissa, I now know. And I'm committed. You could say i'm blommitted (i know, i'm a total blerd). I'm going to post something on this neglected blog every single day this month. Really, really exciting things....like....

So, that's that. We're walking and peeing here.
#1 About 4 days ago Eliza took a step. Ten minutes later (and just after Reid left for a neighbor's house for a quick visit) she walked across the room. She was so proud of herself. Reid got a re-run when he got back. She has thoroughly LOVED the attention she'd been getting for the past 5-6 weeks when she'd stand by herself (Grace and Abby almost made it a competition to see who could freak out more over this amazing accomplishment) and now she's even MORE in love with the applause, and oo's and aah's that she gets with each step. What a ham. Dunno where she could get that from.
(And since i haven't gotten any pics of it yet...here's a cute one of Eliza just cuz)
#1, again.
if you'd ever heard my theory on potty-training you know that it's this--wait until the kid is really, really ready. I'm not talking about "showing signs"--that approach can take months, and usually requires plastic/portable potties. I'm talking they're coming up to you and telling you that they've gotta pee....or even better--they're coming up to you to tell you that they just did pee on the pot and they need your help washing their hands.
And that's just what happened this week with Abby. As of about 4 days ago (that was really a big day for us) Abby started telling me when she has to go peepee! and she's gone about 2-3 times/day every day since! She even can take off her diaper and get herself on the pot!! And she's really good at washing her hands, too! She's still fine wearing diapers...and so am I. No need to rush anything (obviously). She's literally doing this all by herself, which means no bribes, no candy, and noooooooooo pressure. I should really write a book. I could put this picture on the cover--people would buy it just for this little face, no?
So, that's that. We're walking and peeing here.
Day One--check
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