Okay, that's not really my foot. maybe the leg hair clued you in...or maybe not. my ankle doesn't look anywhere near that bad, but it is definitely sprained. (and how could i not post that picture? did i make you feel sorry for me? or just gross you out??)
It's been a tricky 27 hours here at our house. Thank heavens for my sweet Grace who climbed the pantry to get a bag of pretzels yesterday that was our lunch, our snack and our dinner. And thank heavens (i can't believe i'm saying this) that Eliza just wants to be held ALL THE TIME. She's never been happier since all i can do is sit here and hold her. And thank heavens that Abby wants to read books here on the couch with me all day.
Reid came home 30 minutes early yesterday, went in 90 minutes late this morning, and has been really helpful with the girls. I was kinda hoping he'd come home and pamper me, feel sorry for me, massage me, etc. But, i'm pretty sure he just thinks that i'm a total wimp. I mean, how many times can he reference Michael Scott's Foreman grill-burnt foot without me thinking that?!?!? Well, wimp or not, everything i've read says to try to take it easy--esp the first 24-48 hours. So, i've got my leg elevated, i've been ice-ing it, and it's currently wrapped up nice and tight.
I'm really wishing i'd done even just a little bit of work around the house yesterday morning before going to the gym. This has been a good little wake-up call/reminder about not procrastinating things. I'm pretty sure this lesson will stick with me for one whole week once i'm back on me feet :) Does anyone know if there's some direct and inherent correlation between people who procrastinate and people who never learn their lesson. It'd make me (and my ankle) feel a little better if i knew that there was...
That hairy leg is gross! Sorry not to be more sympathetic. I do love you. Question: which is more serious, a concussion or a burned (or sprained) foot? Maybe you should stick it in the MRI machine. :-)
I thought the title said "Spain" and I was all excited for you till I scrolled down and saw that hair sprained foot. Then I had to read it all again to make sure it wasn't Reid that had joined the aerobics class and got wounded. (No offense about the nasty hairy leg Reid!!)
I wish it was Spain and not SpRain for your sake! :)
I was awoken last night by the stomach flu. I have been laid out on the couch all day. Poor Eliot has been stuck on the floor. Her diaper changes have to be strategically planned (based on my nausea level) and I can only get up occasionally or else I totally feel sick. I totally agree that I should not have procrastinated buying Eliot's formula. I'm all out and I can't get off the couch to get more :(
em-- so sorry to see this! (snd that pictures was definitely NASTY so thank goodness that's not your leg!)
hope you're back on your feet soon-- 3 girls 3 and under is a lot to keep up with--even for superstars like you!
When I first saw "the foot" I thought, "Wow, I knew she was a hippy at heart, but come on Emily!!" Glad to know that you haven't grown out your leg hair that long... but I wouldn't put it past you. But of course I would be more glad if you reported that your ankle was feeling fabulous since playgroup and you were nearing 100%. Hopefully that will come soon. Let me know if you need anything, we are just a couple minutes away!
Emily, how did you fail to mention this during our conversation today?! Let me know if you need anything. I hate to burst your bubble, but really it was bound to happen. I mean I'm surprised we didn't sprain our butt during that pilates class we took. Hope the leg feels better soon!
My first thought was "So there, Andy, someone else who doesn't find it necessary to shave legs in the winter." Too bad for me. . . :)
I like Zumba too, but from now on I'll be careful and think of you when I go. Is Shakira your instructor too? Ok, my teacher isn't really Shakira but she looks like her, moves like her, basically makes me feel short and fat and awkward....where was I going with this?
I'm with Sarah. Who needs to shave in the winter? But I did think for a second that the leg hair was a little man-ish. Even when I haven't had time to shave for a whole week, my hairy legs don't look that crazy. Don't let Reid tell you you're a wimp--besides, who doesn't want an excuse to sit and play with their kids all day. Note to self: Keep kid friendly foods on the bottom shelf of the pantry, just in case.
you really don't have to pretend that that is not your foot. i love you even though you're hairy.
I totally relate. I sprained my ankle last month - it was awful!! (Mine was due to clumsily falling down stairs while holding a large box in my hands). I went to the doctor and he gave me a great brace. I totally recommend it. After the swelling went down I was actually able to fit the foot (brace and all) in a tennis shoe. Made my life much better. Hey - it's a pretty good excuse not to do laundry!
Nastiest picture ev-er. And I have a feeling this sprain happened because you wanted some bacon in the morning, am I right? Best episode ever.
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