Eliza is seriously obsessed with her dad. Most days she's pretty calm about her daddy-obsession. But if you catch her on a bad day--she's a wreck over him! She gets all girly and emotional if he doesn't pay just the right amount of attention to her. And if he dares spend time with her sisters when she feels he should be with her, she throws herself on the ground, and cries and cries. It's actually kind of cute. And when we (or he) leave town, or Reid works late and she doesn't see him for a couple days, his return renders her emotionally unhinged. Also kind of cute.
On a different note, I am leaving tonight for a little 3-day mommy get-a-way. We're going to CA...and I honestly don't think San Diego is gonna know what hit it. I'm really excited about the trip. But i'm also surprised at how sad I am to leave my lil' family. Things have been much better at our house lately. (thank you, again, for your advice and prayers!) And i'm enjoying all of these people so much, i don't really need a break from them right now! Shoulda planned this trip for a few weeks ago....really coulda used it then. But it's going to be great, and refreshing. And Reid will have yet another chance put to practice his mad stay-at-home-dad skills. I'm so glad that he's so good at it. It gives me just one less thing to worry about....since i come up with plenty of things to worry about all on my own.
And we shall see, upon my return, if Eliza melts into a puddle of anguish and despair as she realizes how much she desperately missed me.
I kinda doubt it.
How fun! I'm jealous. I would love to get away for a weekend.
That's so funny Eliza and her daddy. Braydon is the same way with his daddy. He seriously could care less about me if his dad is around. It's actually been quite refreshing to have a kid like that! :) Have tons of fun this weekend!
So did she miss you?! I'm dying to know. And seriously, our trip...priceless and I can't even put into words how much fun it was. Until the next Goddess Gathering my friend :)
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