We started out the day in Tomorrowland, since the Alexanders had joined us and it's a great place for their boys. After going on the Snow White ride and the Toon Town roller coaster, etc, i'd pretty much just figured that all rides at Disneyland were "experiences" rather than rides. So i thought nothing of it when everyone suggested we go on Space Mountain.

Reid took Abby, I took Grace. Since Abby is 39" tall (btw, 40 inches is the cut off for lots of rides...just an FYI when planning your next Disney trip...i'd have packed a different pair of shoes for her had i known:) Reid had to exit with her. So it was just me and Grace.
Have I mentioned that Grace hated the Toon Town roller coaster? Have I mentioned that she isn't exactly, um, how do you say....a risk-taker? yeah, i obviously had no idea what we were in for, or i never would have taken her. She hated every single second of the ride. She just kept saying that she wanted off and that she wished she was with Abby. If there was ever any chance of getting her to go on ANY other roller coaster-esque rides at Disneyland, it was ruined right then. I felt awful. She didn't trust us the rest of the day. To this day, she wants to write a letter to "the man that built that ride and tell him that he shouldn't have built it."
Sooooooo, we stuck with pretty basic rides the rest of the day---Nemo's submarine, the race cars, Pirates of the Caribbean (which actually freaked Grace and Abby out, too...), the Haunted House (which the girls actually loved!), Swiss Family Robinson/Tarzan, and others i forgot...oh, and the lamest show in the world--The Tiki Room. My guess is that on sunny days that show is all but unattended. But on this wet day, it was the most popular show ever. Lame puppet birds singing weird songs and dancing on their perches?? what is the story behind this?? it was bizarre. But it was warm and dry and a perfect resting place for our wet selves.

I went on Splash Mountain with the two other guys in our group. I guess i figured the difference between wet and soaking wet wouldn't be that great--true for my clothes, not for my shoes. My feet hated me after that. But i couldn't complain--Ryan, who was in the front, was literally soaked through. The poor guy was wringing out his coat when he got off.
Eliza spent most of the day in the stroller. She was just starting to feel better, which worked out well, since i didn't love the idea of her getting out and getting wet. (BTW--Our stroller's rain cover was amazing, and I'm just puttin' it out there right now for anyone in the Denver area--if you EVER need a double stroller and THINK you might face rain ANYWHERE, please feel free to borrow ours. It was the only dry thing in the whole park!)
The girls wanted to see the Princesses again. Reid and I were sure they'd be totally disappointed that it was the exact same three they'd seen the day before. But honestly? they couldn't have cared less. The girls had a great time.
We headed home around 5, ordered pizza, dried off and put the girls to bed by 7 and had our friends over for some serious catching up.
There are few things in the world I enjoy as much as visiting with people I know and love.
The first time we went to Disney James was five. Jim encouraged James and I to go on space mountain. (James had a broken leg and wheelchair so we got to use the handicap entrances to all the rides and didn't have to do much waiting.) He conveniently forgot what the ride was like and assured both of us that it wasn't that bad. Neither one of us were big roller coaster fans either. You should have seen the automatic picture at the end of ride - terror on both of our faces! Jim still gets ribbed about that often and still tries to declare his innocence. I'm enjoying reading about your trip.
we also went to that tiki room when we were at disney in orlando and i was thinking the exact same thing! i however had an even worse experience because the reason we went in there was so i could nurse emery and i was trying to be discreet (which was nice since it was dark) and then all of a sudden, one spotlight came on and it was shining EXACTLY on me and no one else! so much for being discreet about what i was doing!
I grew up going to the Tiki room! I loved it when I was little. Now I think its obnoxious, but my kids loved it and we were tired of walking.
I LOVE Disneyland in the rain! A few of my favorite times have been when it was raining. Its so empty! Of course, that was back before I had kids...
Oh, and I laughed so hard about Space Mountain! Poor girl. hehe
I sing the song of the Tiki room! It must of been okay in the 90's non-techno era because I can remember it and can sing about the tiki, tiki, tiki, tiki room in the tiki, tiki, tiki, tiki room . . .
Don't tell Jason that about the Tiki room, he will be mad at you, jks, that was quite rediculous.
Space Mountain was awesome. I felt so bad for Grace. What a fun vacation though, we'll have to do it again for sure.
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