I'd been planning on getting rid of them soon anyway, so it wasn't just cause of her naughtiness. But now i'm really wondering WHY?!??! who's the idiot that convinced me that i needed to get rid of these precious sleeping aids? honestly, she only had them at night time/nap time. she'll get new teeth (if that was a concern). She's speaking as well as any other kids her age. So why the %$#@ did i do this?!?!? it's been almost 2 weeks now, and she WILL NOT NAP anymore and i'm loosing it!! She's gone from sleeping 12 hours at night, plust 2 during the day, to 10 hours at night--total!!!!!
really what i want to say, for all those moms with Binki Babies, don't take it away just because of peer pressure!! i caved and now i'm paying--big time!!!
Oh, I hear ya, Emily! I am so sorry this is how it's happening. Ava uses hers for sleeping and she will until she's 7 or at least 3 or 4! I need my sleep and honestly so does Ava! Some day I will get brave and take them but it doesn't look like it will be anytime soon, especially after reading this post! Hope you'll all be resting better soon!
It isn't just the teeth you have to worry about. We took Kay to the dentist when she was a little over 2 years old (I won't go into why we had to take her) and the dentist said there was already evidence that her binky was causing problems on the bone.
That said, we too lost nap time when the binky disappeared and I know Mindy wasn't too happy about it.
I guess I won't push the binky with my baby! Neither of my other kids would take a binky and I used to wish they would, but maybe it was a good thing that they could sleep w/o one! And just get used to the no nap thing, she is almost three, thats about when Colby stopped napping!!!
Oh man- I think the binky is more for me than it is for Connor or Alayna. I've limited it to her big girl bed, pack n'play (trips) and the airplane. I don't know how I'm ever gonna give it up. If it makes you feel any better, Alayna has been sleeping REALLY badly lately and I can't blame the binky.
Em, I am a binky mom of 3 and I feel your pain! So here's what you do (coming from a pediatrician's wife!). Take her to the store and let her pick out a "special sleeping toy or stuffed animal". Make sure she LOVES it. And then only let her have it at nap time and bed time. Kind of like a new comfort sleep object to take the binkys place. Then you make her stay in her room for "quiet time", even if she doesn't fall asleep. Cause let's be honest....a mom's sanity comes from alone time! Stick to your guns. Good luck babe! love ya!
Oh, the binki's. Both of my boys are users too. I was wondering when I should cut Keaton from them. He will be 3 in July. I am not looking forward to it. But sooner or later you have to do it. I have heard all kinds of stories, good and bad. Stick to your guns, you can do it!
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