Now, the normal thing to do would be to start shopping for a dress, right? Well, i think it's well known that I am not normal, and i like to make my life complicated. What isn't well known is that i HATE clothes shopping probably more than anything else in the world. I swear to you, if you gave me a $1000 gift certificate to any mall, i'd give it away, or trade it in for just about ANYTHING else in the world! Sooooooo, the obvious thing to do was to make my dress. I know, that makes absolutely no sense to 95% of the people in the world. But i know that 5% is out there, and they'd have done the same thing :)
The dress turned out just fine--not amazing, but not terrible, either. Most importantly was knowing that i'd made it. And that i didn't have to spend even one minute in one of those awful stores that make me want to vomit :)
Jewelry courtesy of Amber's jewelry stash--Holy Moly that girl's got an amazing collection!!!
There were 10 seats total at our table, and Reid's company couldn't find enough people to use all the tickets, so we got to invite two couples--and we all had a great time! During the cocktail hour they had a bunch of Poker and Black Jack tables set up--and all the $$ when to charity. I'm not a gambler, but it was so fun playing for charity--and it didn't matter how bad you were! Then we had dinner--which was delish.
And THEN we did us some serious dancing. Reid and I were the first ones to hit the dance floor--which is nothing new for me, but for Reid, that was HUGE! It just about knocked me on my back when he aske dme dance as soon as they opened up the floor--he's so good to me. He hates to dance, but knows how much i love it--and i LOVED it! He, of course, bowed out at soon as the music picked up...but not me. No, no, my friends, i was all OVER that dance floor! Seriously, how old is too old to be that girl on the dance floor? i'm pretty sure that i'm well past that age...nonetheless, there was NO STOPPING ME! It helped that one of the other girls from our group, Lora, had had just enough wine and she was right out there with me. And Susan joined us a bit, too. It was awesome. I felt like i was back in my Club Omni days (liz and belinda - you know what i'm talkin' about!!) The singer from the band (who was fantastic!) came off the stage a couple times to dance with us, and the dancers on the stage invited us up there to dance! I should have, but didn't...would have made for some awesome pictures...
The heels only lasted about 2 songs, and then i kicked off my sunday shoes

Eamonn, Laura, Susan, Chris, me, Reid
My parents, who got into town just hours before the ball, took these pictures. This one was soooo i messed around with the color and got this--doesn't it look like something from one of those cheesy glamour shot places? it's a bit ridiculous, but i secretly like it :)
That looks so fun! And your dress looks awesome! Of course you know I'm in that 5% so I totally understand the satisfaction of wearing what you make! You go girl!
1. If we all could sew like you then we would all want to make our own dresses instead of paying a bajillion $$!
2. You should know that you'll always be THAT girl... God blessed with you with the ability to do it graciously.
3. I like how Reid bucked the black trend and went with a blue suit and a baby blue tie-- nice!
you look stunning! And your dress looks amazing!! How fun :)
You're awesome, hon! The dress looked awesome. You looked amazing. Thanks for the fun evening.
I love your dress! I found so many online like that when I was looking, but they were always like 300-600$. They were always called jersey dresses. Anyway, you did an amazing job and you look beautiful! You two make a very cute couple; I'm glad you had so much fun.
you go girl!
Emily, you get prettier every year, how do you do it? That dress is absolutly amazing. You are so dang talented.
First of all, what an amazing dress and it makes you look so stinkn skinny. You looked beautiful. Glad you had fun at the ball. It's not everyday that you get to dress up and go out on the town for some fun. I hear you on the dancing. I love to dance and my husband, well, he doesn't it all. Good for Reid. What a husband. Thanks for your comments. What a cute family you have. Eliza, she is a doll.
Ok, first and foremost you look AMAZING. And secondly, NO, you are never too old. Are you kidding me? That's my favorite past time is to dance like a fool and I just don't think it's something I'm ready to give up. That's why I will pay a million dollars for our Karaoke night because I know you will be awesome.
Jealous! Jealous that you made the dress and that you got to go out on a swanky date with your lover and that you got to dance the night away. And, a girl is NEVER to old to dance the night away!!! I miss our Omni days!
you look AMAZING-you're the coolest chick i know-i love you. (every time i write you things, it seems like it's a love note. well, know it's all genuine i swear.)
emily, you look absolutely fabulous. i shouldn't be shocked that you made the dress cuz your sewing talents are amazing, but i still am shocked! of course, this is coming from someone who takes ANY excuse to be able to shop for a new something or other! i have also benefited from amber's amazing jewelry collection-- thank goodness for her!
Emily, you are amazing! The dress is gorgeous and you looked beautiful in it, and so skinny. What a fun night, I haven't danced in ages.
Rockin' hot mama! I feel lucky to be related, perhaps I have some of those hots genes too...
You are such a babe! I miss dancing with you. Love your guts and can't wait to see you again.
Em, you looked beautiful!!! You two make and lovely/handsome couple.
Hi, AMAZING!!! When and where did you learn to sew? I don't remember you in my high school sewing class! And, you look great - skinny mini!
How did you come up with that dress? Did you do that all by yourself or did you buy a pattern? Can i borrow it?
That dress is amazing. You are my sewing hero! Also, I think it's more like 5 % of people int he world who would shop for the dress, and 95 € of people who would make it themselves because they can't afford to buy one. ;)
sorry about the typos. :P
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