We ended up spending the whole weekend with some of our FAVORITE friends from Law School--the Steenbliks. They were such great hosts and put up with our two loud and energetic girls longer than anyone who isn't family should have to!
They took us to Sea World which was AWESOME!! (we loved it so much we got a sitter for the kids and all us grown-ups went back our last night there!) We don't have any great pictures, but here's what we got.
I might have been the only one in the audience with
dry eyes (yes, Anne, i'm making fun of you). It was SOOO
fun to finally see this show that i've heard about my whole life!
(i have to add here how seriously proud Reid and I
were when Grace ran over and gave Zoey
a hug without us bribing or forcing her!!! So, not Grace,
and oh, so different from December's jaunt with Santa Clause!)
least favorite toy (tickle-me-Elmo), yet i somehow caught
her in between screams for this picture.
We took the girls to the beach, and although they didn't like the waves, they LOVED playing in the sand. My little brother, Jared, and his wife, Kristie, drove down from L.A. and spent the day with us. It was soooo fun to see them, and to see Jared and Grace have so much fun together. My girls don't get to see enough of their awesome aunts and uncles!!!
made for her

her...and for himself (honestly, i've seen the "kid come out"
in Reid before, but maybe never to this extent. It was
so much fun!)
Mommy and smile"
look at mommy and smile"

I usually have to lie and say "Look, Grace, Mother Goose
is flying over us" or "i just found Cinderella's lost slipper" or
"Mommy's going to spank you if you don't look at me and smile
right now, dangit!" But this picture just happened on
its own....it makes it a little sweeter, huh!
We obviously couldn't spend 4 days with Rob and Anne and not play the game that brought us together almost 5 years ago.

And then, because i COULDN'T let Reid out-do me with his overwhelmingly sweet Mother's Day gift...i thought i better be the kick-butt wife that i am, and take advantage of our extremely well-timed (albeit coincidentally) trip to San Diego and send him to the U.S. Open. He and Rob spent Friday afternoon at Torrey Pines and had the time of their life--which they most absolutely deserved--and he hasn't stopped talking about it since.

And although i can't imagine any of you are as excited to see this as he was the first, second, 10th, and 28th times, here's a shot of him right behind Tiger on hole #5
With 1:18 left on the video, look above Tiger's head on the first row. He's in a light shirt between a guy in a green shirt and Rob, who's in a blue shirt and red hat. He's hunched down and his head comes up when tiger makes the putt.
Thanks, Anne and Rob, for the perfect weekend!!

And although i can't imagine any of you are as excited to see this as he was the first, second, 10th, and 28th times, here's a shot of him right behind Tiger on hole #5
With 1:18 left on the video, look above Tiger's head on the first row. He's in a light shirt between a guy in a green shirt and Rob, who's in a blue shirt and red hat. He's hunched down and his head comes up when tiger makes the putt.
Thanks, Anne and Rob, for the perfect weekend!!
totally cute picture of Grace smiling. I'm sad we didn't get a preggo beach shot of you though...
We had so much fun with the fabulous Colorado Allreds! Please come back once a month for the rest of our lives. And back off of the wet eyes -- I made it through the dolphin show without crying. Doesn't that count??
Looks like you had a great trip. I am jealous. Maybe one day we will go there with my boys. I think they would love that place. So sorry to hear that you couldn't visit with Sis. Hadfield. I hope all is well with her dad. I sure love that lady.
Thanks for the great trip and great gift hon. You rock!!
My hubby would have died to be at Torrey pines! I can't even tell him about Reid, or he'll cry! Too cool! Oh, and cute kids!
patrick is going to be SO jealous when i tell him that reid went to the US Open! maybe someday! what a great wife you are! i want to go to san diego too, you lucky ducks!
I don't think there could be a funner mom on this earth! All of my memories of you are so fun, so positive, I am smiling here alone at midnight just thinking about you! Miss you.
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