Three's a house full of estrogen, curling irons, training bras, hairspray, princess shoes, pink everything, bins of hair accessories and nail polish, frequent flyer miles with Tampax, gallons of Drano, drama, drama, and more drama!

(She's a real lady--thus the crossed legs)
(She's a real lady--thus the crossed legs)
When the Dr. told Grace she'd have a new little sister she exclaimed "I can't wait!!!" The Dr and the resident both just about died--it was SOOO sincere and sooooo cute!
I think most people we've told today assume we're disappointed, but really, the fact that she has a healthy heart, all her limbs, an Allred head and isn't accompanied by a twin sister- that's really all that matters!
We'll have our 3 girls, and we're really getting excited about it! Grace and Abby are best friends. They play so well together, and have since the day Abby learned to move on her own. And although they have their battles, the times that they play together make it all worth it. And I really look forward to seeing my three girls play together, fight together, go to ballet class together, be in high school together...okay, i'm getting a little ahead of myself--just a coping strategy.
The truth is I'm completely freaked out. It's funny to talk to people about having more kids, and they tell me how they're "waiting" cause they don't feel "ready" or don't think they could "handle it right now." ahhhhhh, i remember saying such things not long ago.... But, ready or not, we're doing it. And i'm surrounded by AMAZING moms who inspire me to be a better mom and with much help from above I might manage to be a decent mom who doesn't get reported to child services :)
Congratulations! We're excited for you. You guys make such cute girls, why not add another to the mix.
if it's any consolation, i'm completely freaked out too-- and berkeley and this one will be over 3 years apart! even though we planned this, i'm still scared about how hard it's going to be for the first year or so. i'm sure it will all work itself out for you AND me, right?
ok. first of all, I know you feel totally overwhelmed but I am positive you are going to be amazing. I remember hearing someone confess once that they secretly hoped they'd get reported to child services so they'd come take the kids-just for one night. I have to confess it's crossed my mind (more than once!!) And I laughed so hard when you said she has an "Allred head". Let's just say, that I know exactly what you mean- though mine come with Russ heads and a little more hair! :) Congrats on the new girl! I miss you!
Congrats !!! What a huge blessing for you to have a healthy baby. Three girls will definatly always keep you entertained. Hope you are feeling good. Miss you guys !!
yeah!! you have the three girls, I have the three boys, maybe when we have a fourth we will get the opposite, not that you want to think about having a fourth at this point! If she looks anything like the first two she will be so dang cute you'll wonder how you ever lived without her. I guess she will be cute no matter what but you know what I mean. Have a great day! Tell Reid he can come and golf with Mark anytime for a little male time.
Cingratulations you guys! Girls are great!!! We love having 3 little girls. Now when they get to be teenagers I hope that I can say the same thing. I am always telling Carl that we should buy stock in toilet paper, Kotex, hair accessories,ect. All joking aside, it is a blast. You are both great parents. Your girls are blessed to have you, as well as you them. We are thinking of you!
Congrats!!!!! Another girl! We are so excited for you. 3 girls now ha? They are going to be the best of friends.
Is this for real, or am I just being paranoid since it's April fools?
Either way best of luck, we miss you guys.
I dreamed you had another girl...and then got prego right away again. Let's hope only half of that dream comes true!! CONGRATS! In many ways keeping it the same simplifies life, don't you think? Five more weeks before we find out what we are having, can't wait!
Congrats Emily, We love girls, they aren't as bad as people make them out to be! I love my girls. Can't wait to meet her!
WOW!!! Congrats guys!! You are wayyyy more than a decent mom. You are amazing. My inspiration. We're waiting a while to have #3 though. Jeff and I are overwhelmed most days with just two :) We need to talk soon, k?
Congratulations! You'll have to change your picture to say 1 man and 4 ladies. What a fun family!
Congrats! That's wonderful news. I grew up with two sisters--just us three girls with no brothers, and we loved it!
I'm so excited for you guys. Reid is really out numbered. When they are all in school you will be so happy they are so close in age. congrats!!!
How awesome! Girls are so much fun. Plus I can't wait to see the three matching dresses you make for them. It's dang hard when they are little but when they are older they will have a blast. I always wish my sister and I were closer in age. (instead I had brothers and it's just not the same). You don't happen to have the child services number? I might have to turn myself in some day...
Congrats! I know sooo many people that are pregnant right now, but not one that is having a boy... is that weird or what? I guess its the season for girls!
Congrats! I don't think child services take your kids away if you make them dresses (especially when they are as cute as the one's you made). You are a great mom and I don't think anyone else I know would be able to handle this with such a great (and fun) attitude.
You make me laugh (is that a surprise?) I am one that says I'm "waiting" and "I couldn't handle it". You are a testiomny to the rest of us, that we could do it if we had to! But, since you are already doing it, I'll leave it to you. You are going to get another gorgeous little girl - lucky you!!!
Em! I am SO thrilled for you!!!! Now seriously...we need to hook all our kids up in 20 years, promise?!! So, when you're sick of princesses, tampons, and drama, we'll just trade houses for a few days and you can deal with wrestling, potty talk, and "my sword just cut your arm off", or "I just killed your guy" pretend play. Who knows, it might be good therapy for us both! I love you and I'm so happy for your healthy baby. I can't wait to see you this weekend!
Hello from the Rogers! Congrats on girl number 3. I just thought I would add that I came from a family with 6 girls and only 1 boy. There was definitley never a dull moment! My parents (especially my dad) always loved having so many girls. Glad you guys are doing well!
Yeah!! Congrats. Three girls..what could be cuter. Plus I am sure you will sew them all cute matching dresses. So fun.
Hey Em! Caught your blog through Carin's. How fun to hear that you're expecting another girl!
Hope you are feeling well. We miss you all!
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