8 Weekends, 26 naps, and 32 evenings later, we finally finished our summer project!!! When you put that much time and energy into something, you really need people to appreciate it (hint, hint). (It's hard to see lots of the plants, cause they're still so small.)
Wow! Did you do that all by yourselves? I'm very impressed with your brickness talents. Can't wait to see all the flowers and plants in bloom.
Why do we have to come home? Why don't you come here?!? It's only 3x as expensive as Denver.
I love it! And I'm not just saying that because you want me to :) I really like all the brick and can't wait to see it in person!
knitting...sprouting....landscaping....what's next?!? You are MY hero! I need to come spend a week with you and just have "Emily bootcamp" to learn from all your talents! Serviously though, (and I'm not just saying this because I"m your friend, and I want you to keep blogging!) your landscaping looks awesome! Can I hire you to come do ours? It really needs it. You make me so proud! Love you babe!
It is awesome, and I totally understand how long it takes and how expensive it was. I'm sure that you made a million trips to home depot. We just finished our yard and now we are trying to find a way to pay for it(Jks). It really is a great job and we'd love to come out there for a weekend if my husband will ever take any time off of work. Great blog, now I want to see pics of the whole fam.
Emily that yard looks awesome!!! Very jealous of course. We might never have a yard, oh well. I just flew over colorado yesterday, are you by chance in Utah?
Hey Emily,
I admit to blog stalking you. I saw your link and couldn't resist. Your yard looks awesome. What a fun project now that it's done :). I just wanted to say "hi" since I haven't seen or talked to you for awhile. Hope all is going well.
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