Three's a house full of estrogen, curling irons, training bras, hairspray, princess shoes, pink everything, bins of hair accessories and nail polish, frequent flyer miles with Tampax, gallons of Drano, drama, drama, and more drama!

(She's a real lady--thus the crossed legs)
(She's a real lady--thus the crossed legs)
When the Dr. told Grace she'd have a new little sister she exclaimed "I can't wait!!!" The Dr and the resident both just about died--it was SOOO sincere and sooooo cute!
I think most people we've told today assume we're disappointed, but really, the fact that she has a healthy heart, all her limbs, an Allred head and isn't accompanied by a twin sister- that's really all that matters!
We'll have our 3 girls, and we're really getting excited about it! Grace and Abby are best friends. They play so well together, and have since the day Abby learned to move on her own. And although they have their battles, the times that they play together make it all worth it. And I really look forward to seeing my three girls play together, fight together, go to ballet class together, be in high school together...okay, i'm getting a little ahead of myself--just a coping strategy.
The truth is I'm completely freaked out. It's funny to talk to people about having more kids, and they tell me how they're "waiting" cause they don't feel "ready" or don't think they could "handle it right now." ahhhhhh, i remember saying such things not long ago.... But, ready or not, we're doing it. And i'm surrounded by AMAZING moms who inspire me to be a better mom and with much help from above I might manage to be a decent mom who doesn't get reported to child services :)